Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Three together from the college days , Ponch number one is elder by three years than the remaining two Ponchs’s  who were of the same age , if Alexander Dumas had penned, he would have christened Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. I do not have a time machine to go back to France of 17th century and in this twenty first century , the more appropriate will be Ponch number one , two and three.
Ponch one was and is always an inspiration for the second two, let it be in terms of academics, alcohol or all arounds, he is everything for us. Before our eighteen year old brain got a chance to  know what ragging is, we both were suspended from hostel for interacting with the first years, we were just asking names and interests, a mere induction to new environment. If only these kind of rules were implemented a year before I wouldn’t have removed my moustache, or torn my only shirt into sleeveless or hidden the ten rupee pocket money in my socks.  Those were the years gone
Coming back to the suspension part, we poncho two and three were helpless and nowhere to go, It was fifteen minutes past one in midnight ,we walked past the hostel gate carrying the confident that  elder ponch is there for us. Indeed it was he who made us survive those suspended days.
Let it be three meals a day or just one meal a day, three right hands share a single plate. The exception is only when there is a meat in the menu, where ponch One is a non meat eater. All those  eyes on us were full of envy. In fact we did not knew the meaning of friendship, all we knew was  "all for one, one for all

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